High time I put more horsey stuff on here, but not much to report outside in the rain!
Thought I would add some baby photos for our two young guys.
This is Oreo and his mum - Ludens Gold (by Ludendorf) - don't you just love those ears! (He is still growing into them, even now).
And this is dad - Wakonda-O-Indiana - American Spotted Draft, with Sarah at the Stallion Parade at Karaka.
Oreo was bred by Onewerre Stud in Te Puke, where Bud the stallion stood.
The first day Oreo arrived at Westwood.
Very hungry of course, after the trip from Te Puke, and very relaxed and laid back!
Yep, dem is good ears I say!
The kids tried really hard with the camera to get Oreo's best profile - oh dear!
He settled quickly, living with Poppy pony, and had big sleeps every day so he could grow into a BIG boy when he was older.
He was a darling to lead, and handle.
After Poppy, he got to live with my broodmare Shari.
Winter had him decide he really rather would have been born a bear, such was the coat he grew!
All mud, fur and hooves!
Shari taught Oreo how to behave.

And how to run up and down the hills - he wasnt too sure at first!
but quickly got the hang of it.
Then he got bored and thought he might teach himself a few circus tricks...
... and he grew...
... and he grew...
until sometimes he nearly fitted his ears!