Is this what you call self loading?????
Float is hitched to car and driven into the arena.
Baby horses are let out of hill paddock and into arena...
Before we have time to grab the halters and start the float work...
Oreo marches straight to the float, and puts himself on (nearly taking Elmo in with him!)
It has been many months since the big boy has even seen the float -
not bad for a 3 year old!
Just because I am the "trainer", I did actually put his halter on and walk him on and off a couple of times, sheesh - cant he let the mum have a little bit of the credit!
Elmo had to have a bit of think time, especially without his big mate, but got the idea pretty quickly.
Gotta watch out you don't bang the head Elmo...
... and we are on (and quite relaxed about the fact).
He was then super confident and "knew what to do", marching on and backing off when asked like a pro.
He is meant to be a golden baby, but is such an icky wishy washy cream colour at present.
(Secretly he wishes to be grey, and was VERY happy to find old fire ashes to roll in again!)
Elmo is 20 months old, and I measured him at just under 15hh, which is bigger than I thought. He always looks so puny next to the big fellow (who is now 16.2hh at the bum and a bit less at the wither!)
Well I don't know why Sarah insists on doing this with the camera(because it is not the first time), and my Oreo really is a beautiful horse (in my eyes anyway), BUT...
Maybe this is a horse version of a bug-eyed emoticon???